Feb. research: Pt 2

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As I am pretty pressed for time, I am going to do a little less in depth overview of other coins to watch in the short to mid term. You will need to do a little reading for this one.

Eternity (ENT)

Market Cap: 1.4$ million

Price:  0.35$ / 0.00003519 BTC

Purpose of coin: Payment platform.

Website: http://ent.eternity-group.org/

Quantum RL (QRL)

Market Cap: 70.6$ million

Price:  1.36$ / 0.0001350 BTC

Purpose of coin: Communication layer to tackle quantum computing threats.

Website: https://theqrl.org/

Edgeless (EDG)

Market Cap: 73.6$ million

Price:  0.89$ / 0.00008902 BTC

Purpose of coin: Ethereum based casino.

Website: https://edgeless.io/

Vibrate (VIB)


Market Cap: 45.1$ million

Price:  0.27$ / 0.00002712 BTC

Purpose of coin: Community for musicians, venues, events, gigs, and contact info for music.

Website: https://www.viberate.com/

Deep Onion (Onion)


Market Cap: 51.7$ million

Price:  4.95$ / 0.0004886 BTC

Purpose of coin: Privacy coin using TOR.

Website: https://deeponion.org/

Unify (UNIFY)

Market Cap: 2.8$ million

Price:  0.15$ / 0.00001555 BTC

Purpose of coin: Crypto ecosystem for crowdfunding.

Website: http://www.unify.today/

Sugar (SGR)


Market Cap: 0.5$ million

Price:  0.14$ / 0.00001465 BTC

Purpose of coin: Crypto exchange.

Website: http://sugarexchange.io/

Nebulas (NAS)

Market Cap: 330.2$ million

Price:  9.30$ / 0.0009118 BTC

Purpose of coin: Crypto search engine.

Website: https://nebulas.io/

Icon (ICX)


Market Cap: 1.7$ billion

Price:  4.64$ / 0.0004546 BTC

Purpose of coin: Decentralised network connecting real world businesses with blockchain.

Website: https://www.icon.foundation/

Maid Safe Coin (MAID)

Market Cap: 220.1$ million

Price:  0.48$ / 0.0000484 BTC

Purpose of coin: Data Storage network.

Website: http://maidsafe.net/

Two other coins with high potential are Cardano and NEO. There is a lot of information online about both of these projects. As these two projects are major coins they are more sound but offer longer hold positions.

  • Information presented here, including any ideas, opinions, views, predictions, forecasts or crypto picks, expressed or implied are for informational and educational purposes only. The coins posted should not be construed as personal investment advice.

Investor’s Guide

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Everybody likes something; cats, green lights, pillows, music, sports, flowers, baby animals, free wifi…

Notice money did not make the list?

It is unusual to run into a bag of money while taking a stroll down the street.

However, the inevitable question was asked, ‘what is the best crypto to buy’? Id est, which crypto is gonna give me a boat load of free money?

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That question, is, difficult to answer on its own.

As an investor, there are many factors to consider before putting any money down. The major and initial things to consider are:

  1. Creating a portfolio. Decide where you want to be involved e.g.  existing cryptocurrencies, crowd funding and ICOs, public/private blockchains, mining/cloud mining, arbitrage between markets, day trading or other areas.
  2. The amount of risk you are willing to take on. A good idea is to find their Sharpe ratio. Here is an excellent site to find all the comparative data you may need on big coins: https://www.sifrdata.com/
  3. Time frame. Are you going to invest and forget it for 6 months? Or will you open you portfolio everyday hoping to make money after a week?
  4. Expectations from investment. Ripple made 42,000% growth this year. It cannot continue to grow at the same speed. It is a solid investment, but it will bring modest returns. Remember, if you want to earn massive returns, you will have to find a coin that has a small market cap, preferably under 100$ million with lots of potential for growth.

Once you have a handle on those aspects, you will be better prepared to put some money in a more specific area.

Since the question was about which crypto is best, it would be assumed that the investor is looking at existing cryptocurrencies on public blockchains.

Now, there is just a little more information to wade through and of course, more considerations.

  1. Discovering the purpose of the coin. With so many coins in existence, this is a crucial question to be able to answer. You can buy dogecoin because it has made big gains over the last year. However, when you find out the coin was invented as a joke and has no functionality, investing in it seems unwise.
  2. People involved on the team. This too, will help you weed out some more riff raff. The team should have members who have extensive experience in coding, developing and marketing. That would also bring with it, some solid partnerships and financial backers (VCs). Google is a good friend here.
  3. Having a look at their website. A simple check of a crypto’s website can reveal a lot about what their vision is, where they are on their time line, and what their plans are for the future.

So, let’s give it a go.

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Here is a list of the top 16 cryptocurrencies listed by Sharpe ratio. If we choose one coin with a medium Sharpe ratio, we can do a quick peek under the hood.

Example #1: Litecoin (LTC)


Market Cap and Price: 9.3$ billion – 169.74$

Purpose of coin: Litecoin is considered like a little brother to bitcoin. It is also set up as P2P digital currency. It runs on the same code as Bitcoin, but has a much larger coin supply. Litecoin’s supply is maximum of 84 million coins. Therefore, it can make more and cheaper transactions than bitcoin. Another interesting fact is that its creator wanted it to be minable by many, so it runs on the Scrypt algorithm.

Website: https://litecoin.com/  excellent design, very clear, lots of information, usable on a variety devices and has its own wallet.

Who are the people involved on the team: Charlie Lee, former Google employee, solid reputation as coder.

Example #2: WaBi


Market Cap and Price: 105$ million – 2.33$

Purpose of coin: WaBi – places anti-counterfeit labels on consumer goods in China. Used to buy authentic goods, receive discounts and loyalty points.

Website: https://www.wacoin.io/ Perfectly laid out, very clear and seems to have transparency and solid time line.

Who are the people involved on the team: Listed on the website – each member can be googled individually.

  • Side note, ICO has just ended, baby food product sales began and alcohol sales will begin soon. There is big room for big valuation.

As each investor has different objectives, market preferences and time lines, there is no ‘one’ ideal coin to meet everyone’s needs.

I strongly encourage you to do some research into coins that fit your investment portfolio. Having said that, these two examples are only opinions, but not investment advice. It is always good to remember that past performance is no indication of future returns.

Below are the top 20 cryptocurrencies as of today. Google searches for coins with market caps under 100$ million will give you a wealth of other coins to start looking at.

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Forks, mining, exchanges, legalization, hash rates, ICOs… where does the madness of the cryptosphere begin and end?

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Today, a friend and I sat down and thought about what it would take to create our own crypto currency.

It’s not as easy as making a build-a-bear with your child.

We joked about making a “beer” coin or a “Bob Marley” coin. So, I sat down and did some research about what the limit to weirdness there was out there.

Some of my searches ended up in some very odd results.

First off, for a short period of time at KFC in Canada,  you could buy some finger licking goodness with bitcoin. Yes, the Bitcoin Bucket was on sale for .0010102 btc. It is interesting because for that short period of time, bitcoin was actually equal to real money.


In the news over the past few days, Venezuela is reportedly going all in on crypto. Though it’s legality is questionable, president Maduro’s has planned to introduce the world to the ‘Petro’. A supply of 100 million Petros will be tentatively released to the market backed by the country’s oil industry.


One coin that I have seen on the market, but many people do not know about is Potcoin. As you would imagine, Potcoin is trying to become the first digital currency to facilitate legalized pot sales. Go check it out: it is a real coin.


Politics and cryptocurrencies know the no limits. I am sure there are many more coins out there like these, but the Putincoin and the Trumpcoin were the two that caught my eye. Help make cryptos great again!



A loud chuckle was heard when I found this next coin. Fuckcoin, yes the world is running out of people who don’t give a “F_ _ k”. A quick look at their video tells it all.

There are a slew of othe crude coins. You will just have to take my word for it that they exist.

One coin that I was tempted to buy in the summer was 42 coin. It is probably weird because of it’s insane pricing. At the time of writing 42 coin is trading for 57,000$!

What is it? Well, nothing. How many are there? Here is a shocker, there will only ever be 42 of them. It is based on the answer given to the ‘ultimate question’ in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

After all this research, my friend and I are no closer to an idea of what our coin may be, but we had a good laugh learning about some of the madness out there.

Help Bitcoin (Cash) Be Great Again

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“Pump and dump”


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Although it is nothing new to the world of finance, ‘pump and dump’ seems to be one of the easiest ways to exploit the crypto markets and make some fast cash.

Typically, a “pump and dump” works when a group of investors or single large investor  starts promoting a stock they hold. Once the price has risen because of their endorsement, they sell it off.

With cryptos, chat rooms fill with gossip, forums spread the news, exchanges make announcements and so on. Once a coin gets some recognition, it is hard to stop people from buying it. For 10$, would you rather own 766 dogecoin or 0.00068 bitcoin?

A quick blurb about dogecoin. It was originally created from a meme of a Japanese Shibu Inu. It has almost no functionality, not been updated in over two years, can be mined infinitely, and it’s market capitalization reached $2 Billion this week!


There is even a bigger and more powerful direct form of pumping that is occurring with cryptos. Huge investors, called whales, enter a market and choose a coin that they would like to raise the price of.

Let’s say the whale buys up half of the coin’s market. They can start to raise the price of the coin on the market. Unfortunately, there are not enough people who will sell at that price. So the whale pushes the market higher. In some cases this could be as much as 50%.

Other people in the market see this coin rise 50% in one day and they buy the coin in a fit of FOMO. That draws more investors and soon enough the coin starts to rise 75%, 97%, 147% and on.

That is, until the moment the whale decides to dump their coin at a massive profit and swim off into the sunset.


A Pump in the Midst?

Today, I have been watching the price of Bitcoin Cash rise in spite of the price of bitcoin.

I am enjoying it as I have several dozen Bitcoin Cash coins waiting to be used to buy more mining machines.

But, why is the price rising?

At block 512666, there will be a hard fork of Bitcoin cash. So, sometime on the 13th, the fork should occur and if successful, the new coin will be called Bitcoin Candy.

As we know about forks, normally the new coin is issued at 1:1 with the coin it is forking. But, in this case, Bitcoin Candy will fork at a ratio of 1:1000. Yes, one thousand. Therefore, if you had 10 Bitcoin Cash, you would get 10,000 Bitcoin Candy for free.

I went to investigate this a little bit deeper. You should give it a search, too.



Reading the Bitcoin Candy website seems like it was partially written by Dr. Emmett Brown (referring to Back to the Future) – they propose to “explore anti-quantum attacks”, and by the way, the project was established on Jan. 1st, 2018.

Maybe, people are grabbing up some Bitcoin Cash ahead of the fork and this news might be the cause of driving the price up? If it is, I wouldn’t hold onto those Candies too long.

It was only a matter of time until the forking started, but this forking weird (pun intended).


Sold out!!

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Today has been something like a roller coaster.

There is a lot of news about how bitcoin has sunk below the magical 15,000$ point. To be honest, anything under 15,000$ sounds good to me. For the time being the less pressure, the better.

Some news…

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South Korea is urging banks to collaborate against cryptocurrencies.


And then the best laugh of the day.

Remember, back in September when J.P. Morgan’s CEO called bitcoin a ‘fraud’. Well, seems he has been turned by the crypto world. He now believes it’s real…


Searching high and low

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Today’s lunch time was another high stress moment.

Bitmain had another batch of Antminer S9s came up for sale. Earlier this week, I made three accounts with Bitmain and asked a few friends to help me fill an order for our small investment group.

At 12 o’clock noon, the purchase button on the Bitmain page turned from grey to that glorious blue colour.

All three of us madly clicked away on the blue button. It is kind of annoying that it’s not possible to just type the number ( as it is limited to 20 per customer) of units you would like.

Two of us were able to get some machines in our carts. However, after putting in the delivery address and pressing the purchase button, a small red banner appeared which it unfortunately said, ‘not enough Antminer S9s left’.

What a horrible system. Once you have items in your cart, they can be taken out??? Ridiculous!

Regardless, the Antminer L3 remained on the website for more than ten minutes. Out of pure frustration, I decided to buy 3 Antminer L3s. Admittedly, I do not really know much about other mining machines. But, I guess that’s what learning is all about.

So, what is the difference between the L3 and the S9?

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Well, that is an interesting thing. When mining for coins, ASIC machines are designed to mine for specific algorithms. In the case of the S9, it only mines for coins that use the SHA 256 algorithm (ie. bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash). Here is a list of the most profitable SHA 256 coins. I like the look of DME at 155% profit a week!!

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The L3 can mine any coin that uses the Scrypt algorithm.

So a quick query into the most profitable coins that can be mined on the Scrypt algorithm almost made me choke.

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Florin, Einsteinium (EMC2) and Verge all use the Scrypt algorithm! Over the past six months I bought and sold a small amount of EMC2 making a few thousand dollars of profit. And Verge! If you recall earlier in December, I made some comments about what 2018 holds for bitcoin and the cryptosphere. Verge was one of the coins that I had mentioned!

As you can mine 142.00 coins a day… maybe my frustration pointed me in the right direction.

I am on the verge of knowing.



Don’t panic!


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About 14 months ago a friend asked me where I would invest my money.

I said, if I had 10,000$ that I could potentially win or lose, I would invest in bitcoin. After buying bitcoin, I would then diversify into Monero, Dash, Ethereum, Zcash, Auger and Ripple.

My difficulty at the time was finding an exchange that I could join while living in Saudi Arabia as a Canadian citizen.

As my friend had a bank account in Europe he was able to purchase bitcoin. We bought some bitcoin and started into the wonderful cryptocurrency world.

I studied each coin and platform trying to see which one had the greatest potential.

My answer was Ripple. “Ripple provides a way to connect banks, exchanges, and corporations to send money globally on the RippleNet.” I translated that into English and it roughly meant, Ripple had created an improved version of SWIFT or wire payments. I watched Ripple and saw a number of Japanese banks join Ripple. Soon banks in Europe, Central America and even my own bank in Canada joined Ripple.

At the time Ripple cost 0.5 cents.

When Western Union joined Ripple we saw the price of Ripple begin to rise. It went UP! It seemed like FOMO* to an extreme I had never witnessed before. When Ripple hit 7 cents my friend was calling every five minutes telling me to sell. I said to wait because I felt Ripple could easily be worth a dollar. In the end I sold out his share of Ripple and he walked off with 4000$ of profit.

Below is the proof.

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I held on and watched Ripple develop its price after the correction.

Not more than a month later it seemed word was spreading about Ripple. Japanese exchanges added Ripple to their markets and a large number of investors in Japan and Korea got behind Ripple.

Ripple was gaining support from everywhere. The bank of England was ‘testing’ the Ripple network. Although there has never been an official announcement, I felt that Ripple could be the vehicle to settle Brexit payments.

Ripple absolutely exploded!!! Up and up, all  the way to 42 cents!!!

Looking at the graph below you can see how the initial rush to 7 cents was dwarfed by the second wave of investors.

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At this point I put more money into Ripple. My notion that Ripple could reach a dollar was not far off. Some other friends were getting interested in this and began investing.

Over a long summer of watching other coins succeed Ripple seemed to loose support. There was no way to get out, so I just put it out of my mind and believed in my original forecast.

I kept reminding myself that on January 1st many banks announced that they would start to use Ripple for cross boarder payments.

Then it happened. With the massive surge in bitcoin and all other cryptocurrencies Ripple also got the exposure it needed. It went white hot reaching as high as 1.05$.

It makes me laugh to look back at the 7 and 42 cent levels on the graph.Screen Shot 2017-12-25 at 9.47.18.png

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies became the talk of the town.

Another friend invested in bitcoin and with the recent correction, he is asking if he should just get out of the market with the losses he has incurred.

Below is the graph of bitcoin and its first major correction. It could just be an incredible coincidence, but doesn’t this graph look a lot like the first spike in Ripple?

Are all these predictions about a 100,000$ bitcoin actually possible?

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Free money!



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I was recently asked by a friend, who is new to cryptocurrencies, “Is there only one bitcoin?”

That was an excellent question, because I didn’t even know how many versions of bitcoin have been created.

To think about it in simple terms, I explained to my friend to imagine bitcoin like the first automobile ever invented.

Although the first automobile was an amazing invention, users and developers quickly found areas for improvement.  The same holds true for bitcoin.

When a developer thinks, ‘I believe that adding lights to the automobile will help it be able to drive at night’ they do not go out and try to create a new automobile. They simply build on the original idea. The same holds true for bitcoin.

When a new development is created for bitcoin, it is called a ‘Fork’. When a fork happens, the original bitcoin is not destroyed; it just co-exists with the new coin that was created.

Much like the Model A was not destroyed when the Model T went into production.

So how many forks have there been?

This is new to me, but here you go:

Jan. 3, 2009 – Bitcoin Genesis

Dec. 27, 2014 – Bitcoin XT

Jan. 15, 2016 – Bitcoin Unlimited

Aug. 1, 2017 – Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Nov. 1, 2017 – Bitcoin Gold

Dec. 28? 2017? – Bitcoin Segwit 2X (B2X)

How do forks work?

Here is the strange part about bitcoin. When bitcoin experiences a fork, there is a new coin created. If you hold bitcoin at the time of the fork on an exchange that supports the fork, you will get paid out one to one in the new currency.

So, for example, if you had 2 bitcoin when the Bitcoin Cash fork happened, you would automatically receive 2 Bitcoin Cash for free.

Imagine if you had 2 Model As when the Model T came out. You would get to keep your two Model As and get two Model Ts for free!!!

WOW, I love the cryptosphere!

When can I get my free money?

The B2X fork is planned to occur on December 28th.

If you want to get free B2X coins, you can do so by putting your bitcoin on an exchange that supports the B2X fork before December 28th.

By the way (at the time of this blog) B2X price estimates are around 650 US$ per coin.

If I had 3.2 bitcoin on an exchange that supports B2X, I would get 3.2 B2X coins, roughly worth 2,000$, for free.

So to answer my friend, “Yes, there is only one bitcoin.”

But, there are many more opportunities for growth, development and stability to bring this technology into our daily lives, even if we sometimes get some free money.






Bitcoin and its meteoric… fall?



Over the past four days we have seen bitcoin rocket into the 19,000$ range and then take a big dump all the way down to the 11,000$ territory.

If you are new to cryptocurrencies, this kind of swing would have you climbing the walls. Is it normal for a cryptocurrency to drop so much in such a short time?

The answer is yes and no.

While trying to search for an answer as to why bitcoin dropped so much, I ran across many plausible theories. However, there does not seem to be one smoking gun. Perhaps there are a few guns hanging around the room.


This again? Yes. As I noted before Coinbase added Bitcoin Cash to its exchange. However, it has come to light that the price of Bitcoin Cash rose on several other exchanges hours before Coinbase made its official announcement. This halted Bitcoin Cash on Coinbase and an investigation was launched into possible insider trading.

Of all things the crypto space does not need is even the slightest whiff of corruption or wrongdoing.

This could possibly have sent investors into a panic and made them FUD* the bed.

Whale Soup?

Recently, Bloomberg** reported that approximately 1000 people own roughly 40% of the bitcoin market. You can just run through the scenarios in your mind if you owned 100,000 bitcoin.

A whale could pump the market with volume trades and when it reached a certain level, the whale could dump. Oh no!! That would make other less experienced investors FUD their pants and trigger a panic sell. Obviously, with the money you sold your bitcoin for at the ATH (All Time High) you could buy back your position with an enormous profit.

It is a good thing that CME futures entered the market with massive shorts on bitcoin just before the price fell.

Mass Communication                              (don’t forget the M is silent)

Everyday I google the word ‘bitcoin’ just for fun.

A year ago there was almost nothing being said about bitcoin. When it hit parity with gold there were a few articles. After that there was not much focus on bitcoin. However, when bitcoin passed the 3,000$ mark, more and more attention was given to bitcoin. As it approached the 5,000$ mark, I was being given a daily history lesson about tulips and the dot.com bubbles. “The bubble of all bubbles” read one article.

Words like terrorism, illicit drug sales and tax evasion made me have 24 hour Tourette’s syndrome. I found myself blurting out words like “Paradise Papers” and “Iran Contra scandal”.

The (M)ass media was playing with the psychology of the small potatoes. When the price went south, there must have been many little investors that FUDed on the floor.

So, do cryptocurrencies drop so much in a such a short time?

Yes they do. And no they don’t.

Expect to see news about some ‘suspicious’ activity connected to this recent price plummet because something is not right in the state of Denmark.

However, there is something important to know.

Bitcoin is the gold standard for all cryptocurrencies at the present time. All cryptocurrencies will rise and fall with bitcoin. Bitcoin is connected to blockchain technology and that technology is not going away anytime soon.

So look for a rebound.

*FUD = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt

**Bloomberg article – https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-12-08/the-bitcoin-whales-1-000-people-who-own-40-percent-of-the-market

Some thoughts about BTC and where it is headed in 2018.

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With the recent mania surrounding bitcoin and it’s march to 20,000$, there is no doubt that it is becoming recognized as a modern day solution to gold, as a store of value.

Unfortunately, at 20,000$, I made a transaction and ended up paying the equivalent of 26 USD for it. So, bitcoin with its popularity is not viable as a medium of exchange like dollars. It is just too expensive in its present form. I will not be using bitcoin to buy things, while it is so volatile and expensive. But, that makes me think. If I am finding the fees too high, won’t merchants, vendors, and exchanges also run into the same problem?

The answer is yes.


So, what if anything does that mean? First off, today we saw a massive drop in the price of bitcoin. Why did that happen? Well, Coinbase, one of the biggest exchanges, started to accept Bitcoin Cash. That was a clear sign to small potatoes, like me, that the big exchanges needed to find a way to make transactions without paying massive transaction fees. Bitcoin only has 2MB of storage for its transactions. As the system gets congested, people are willing to pay more to have their transaction completed quicker. Bitcoin Cash, on the other hand has 8MB of storage for its transactions. Bitcoin Cash has 4 times the storage, 8 times faster and 8 times cheaper…

Which one would you choose to use?

And that leads to, what could possibly be in store for bitcoin very soon.

As the cryptosphere grows I can see how 8 MB may only be a short term solution. Just like Coca-cola was the granddaddy of all soft drinks, it was pushed aside by diet Coke, Coke Classic,  Caffeine free Coke and the list goes on. In a similar fashion, bitcoin is headed to more and more forks. It will be a volatile year. As the forking goes on, I can see how bitcoin will be plunged into a civil war. In the short run Bitcoin Cash has a leg up on bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin B2X and others. It is no wonder, Bitmain, the worlds largest mining pool, and producer of the strongest bitcoin mining machines is behind Bitcoin Cash.

Stability and Privacy

Stability is a major roadblock to the functionality of bitcoin in the real world. By late spring or early summer we should see some stability arrive to the aid of the cryptosphere. The coins with stability should be able to rise as they will fulfill bitcoin’s downfalls. Zcash, Monero, and Dash all have the potential to become major players in this arena. A secondary area of concern is privacy. If you are a person living in an area of the world experiencing turmoil, it could be to your benefit to be able to make transactions that will protect you from religious, racial and or financial risks. Coins that offer privacy will grow in areas of the world where they are needed. Add Pivex and Verge to the previous three that I mentioned.


After a period of growth, stability, privacy, and functionality should be established in the crypto world.

And is that the end of the story? What about late 2018? No kids, there is more to come.

Though I do not have magic eight ball sitting around, we can probably draw lines back to the areas of the world experiencing turmoil. Is it not too far off to imagine that nation states may start to make their own crypto currencies to lend legitimacy to them? Dubai has made it clear that they want to be the first Blockchain society in the world. It is even conceivable that nation states may start their own national mining operations. If bitcoin is the new gold… and Bitcoin Cash a better version, wouldn’t it be better to just mine for that stuff, for a considerably more reliable payout than mining for physical gold????

The Bottom Line

Congestion is pushing the market towards Bitcoin Cash

Forks will be the front line of a bitcoin civil war

Privacy and Stability will give rise to Zcash, Monero, Dash, Pivex and Verge

Watch mining grow around the world